Experienced Damp Repair & Motorhome Specialists

01738 231399

Damp Repairs

Damp Repairs

When any living area becomes damp it is problem. It is unpleasant to wake up in the morning and your living space is damp or musty. The smell can be unpleasant, but living in damp conditions for even a day or two can impact your health.

So you can be reassured that as part of our suite of servicing support for owners of all motorhomes, Motorhome Damp Repairs offers all the specialist support you need to carry out an inspection and any necessary damp repairs.

The best thing, obviously, is to prevent damp in the first place and we can investigate why the problem may have started; it could be that a skylight has got a worn seal that needs replaced, a window might be cracked or there could even be a problem with the internal plumbing.

Motorhome Maintenance For Safety & Comfort

Servicing should be undertaken annually and regular cleaning will also help spot potential problems early, when they are quick and easy to fix. We will conduct a damp assessment as part of your annual Habitation inspection, which will flag any issues early. But to be safe, this individual element of the inspection can be done as a stand alone inspection at any time – so if you have even the slightest concern, call us to arrange a check before the issue becomes a problem.

But my vehicle is new?

If you have just bought your Motorhome then there may be no obvious signs of a problem and it’s important not to panic if you then notice a damp smell on the first chill autumn morning. But getting to the root of the problem fast, before it has the chance to get worse, is vitally important to limit damage. So it’s worth using our sensitive damp meter to check things out, if you have any suspicion at all, especially as many issues that might give rise to damp occurring in a relatively new vehicle will be covered under your vehicles warranty.

Whatever age your Motorhome is, and no matter how many miles it has covered, investigation needs to be carried out methodically, to identify the root source, and any subsequent repair then needs to be comprehensive. 

It can be necessary to remove internal trim panels as we seek to identify the source of the problem, as water may pool and cause a problem having run some distance from the entry point. Our team of specialists work to prevent any unintentional damage that can be caused by someone less experienced either forcing or trying to remove a fixed panel or fixture by mistake. After all, you don’t want to compound one problem with another, so come to the specialists. Remember, an apparent leak from your shower could in fact come from a cracked window seal at the other end of your Motorhome. 

Our full damp check Covers a thorough inspection of the roof, side panels and flooring, a visual check of all sealant and seals, and checking the operation of your window catches and external hatches. If we do discover any issues we will call you to explain the problem, detail the options and costs of repair and get your approval. Everything approved can be managed promptly in-house by our team of specialists, from a simple reseal to a complete interior overhaul.

A regular inspection and swift repair of any minor issues will save you thousands in the long run Contact us via the form below or call 01738 231399